Refund Policy

This refund policy outlines that Mini Models Runway (MMR) retains the complete authority not to provide refunds for the registration fee. Once you have registered with MMR, the registration fee will not be refunded under any circumstances. When you register with us, it is your responsibility to acquaint yourself with this refund policy.

While registering with us, you signify that you have reviewed this refund policy and that you agree with and fully accept its terms. If you do not agree with or fully accept the terms of this refund policy, we kindly ask you not to register with Mini Models Runway (MMR).

MMR uses the registration fee exclusively for the purpose of kids’ personality development and grooming. Any fees paid to MMR cover the provision of services listed on our website. You are accountable for paying all fees and applicable taxes associated with our services using one of our accepted payment methods.

The registration fee covers the full service as of the date of registration. Any assumptions regarding the carryforward of services are at the client’s discretion, but MMR will not be held responsible for such assumptions.

By acknowledging our services, clients cannot withdraw at any point during the process due to personal circumstances that may have changed. It is not acceptable to consider or entertain any form of settlement. The company is not responsible for delays caused by third-party services. Clients cannot claim a refund of service charges based on external factors.

The registration fee is in line with the organizational standards to which the client agreed. Any post-registration claims of being too expensive will not be entertained, and the applicant will have no right to contest this, as it was explained and communicated through various information sources, and the client was convinced before registering.